
Traffic Safety

Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) Safe Roads Coalitions aim to create a comprehensive approach to reduce traffic deaths and severe injuries on the local level. Agencies involved in the effort include community law enforcement, engineers, educators, emergency medical services, local policy makers and other traffic safety advocates.

Fatal Review Committee ​(FRC) to review every fatal crash in their area. The purpose of the FRC is to identify trends that contributed to the crashes and the resulting fatalities. The FRC will identify how the fatal crashes could have been avoided and identify what actions may be taken to prevent similar types of crashes.

Local TZD Coalitions

Douglas County TZD Coalition and Fatal Review Committee
Find us on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram

Grant County TZD Coalition and Fatal Review Committee
Find us on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram

Statewide TZD Initiative

MN Toward Zero Deaths

MN Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety

Contact Information

Interested in partnering on traffic safety initiatives in your community? Connect with the TZD Coordinator.

Sophia Grabow

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